Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 2

Day 2 consisted of a 45.82km ride from Alma to St. Monique. Both Eric and I were told (on separate occasions) that the ride around the lake was nice and flat (something I'm familiar with). Yet, our first day was basically all uphill. It was extremely discouraging considering I was left with thinking that the rest of our four days would be similiar (they were not) and my knees were so sore that neither moving or laying still helped. Thanks to some Advil and Tylenol and sheer exhaustion I was able to fall asleep. Eric, was great. He didn't hurt. Gage was great. He got pulled around most of the day.
Okay, enough complaining. The good parts of the day: Gage biking by himself for 5km. A stop at a national park for lunch, swimming and rest. Beautiful weather and finally arriving at our next destination.
Us before leaving on our first day. Those are my fancy new cycling clothes. Padded carpi pants (a God send).

Our first break (an hour in). We take up quite a bit of room!

Gage needed a pee break. This trail was beautiful. Despite the severe uphills.

A very nice cyclist we met. He helped us figure out where we were going. He also made it to St. Monique and back to this store before we were out of the forest trail (see previous picture). He's a rockstar.

The National Park that I can't remember the name of.

Eric's view.

Some much needed encouragment.

The map. If you look closely, you can see the path we took all around the lake.

A river passed over.

Finally! You can see that I was totally exhausted and wondering who got me into this mess (me). Gage on the otherhand looks like he had a great day!

Our distance.

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