Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Back To Reality

With March Break officially over, it was back to our normal routine of school, work, studying and of course, parenting. If my post on Sunday left you a little worried of my mental state, do not fret, as the title stated, it really was just one of those days.

Thanks to Facebook, I came across this article written by Una Lamarche for the Huffington Post. I have no idea who she is or what reputation the Huffington Post has, but it rang true to me and once again reminded me that parenting is really hard. Not only because you're literally trying to raise an adult who has all the qualities that you wish you had, but because there are always people who will judge you and your parental decisions.
It can serve as a reminder to do what's right for you and your family. Case closed.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

One of those days...

Picture this...

A baby that won't nap, has a runny nose and is starting to get angry when you take something away from her.

A 5 year old who has lost his iPad and television privileges, leaving only a whole basement full of toys that he doesn't want to play with and who won't. stop. talking.

A mom, who despite being allowing to sleep in this morning, cannot kick the heaviness of sleep from her eyes, can't find her daughter's birth certificate of SIN card (a sleep deprived mom should not be allowed to be responsible for important documents such as those. I'm sure I put them somewhere logical at the time that made sense to sleep deprived me), who's ears are wearing to the constant natter of her 5 year old and is kinda upset with her husband who was the one who took away her 5 year old's media privileges.

A dad, who is regretting his appropriate consequences, having to listen to a wife tell him other appropriate consequences he could have doled out instead of an all media attack, who's tired because he was nice enough to let his wife sleep-in and who's also straining to respond to the constant 5 year old dialogue.

It's been the kind of day where you just want to opt-out of being a parent. Not just because there was no media allowed, but because both of us....both adults in this house....just weren't up to the challenge today. Usually we can tag team this life of ours but today we both wanted to tap out.

Please tell me you've had these kinds of days too.

Friday, March 8, 2013

This Moment

Linking up with Soulemama

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. 

If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Falling Off My Needles - Cabled Vest

First of all, let me just remind you that I don't knit garments. I have had so many failures in that department that the taste in my mouth is nothing but sweet bitterness. Sweet bitterness? Yes, that's the kind of bitterness that sometimes tastes a little sweet to make you forget the real bitterness taste giving you the gull to cast-on that beautiful, seamed, stranded sweater that you added to your favourites on Ravelry only to re-discover how much you hate knitting those kinds of things.

I digress.

This is a garment, yes. BUT - it's for a smaller human and it doesn't have sleeves. Vests are my new besties. That being said, this half-garment was a challenge. The cables, the button bands, the lining for the button bands, the i-cord button loops...phew! Lots of steps in this one.

I put this down many times to knit others. I really procrastinated on the i-cord button loops and sewing down the lining on the button band. It's always the final steps that frustrate me.

The pattern can be found here, and my Ravelry notes here.

It just fits my little subject. Oh well...I'll save it for little miss.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Books Galore!

Nothing like a Masters course to suck all the fun and time out of reading for pleasure. Hence, the pile of books on my nightstand that keeps getting taller.

I'm looking forward to finally tackling these babies. Have you read any of them?

Monday, March 4, 2013

We Have A Winner!

Thank you to everyone who entered the pillow cover give-away. This evening I had our son choose a number, and the big winner is.....Marijke - PetiteDaphne!!!!! Congratulations!

Please email me your address at thenaivehomesteader@gmail.com

I'll be sure to send it out to you by the end of this week.


Friday, March 1, 2013

Spoiled (and a CONTEST!)

Geez...I'm flabbergasted by the wonderful, beautiful and totally appreciated well wishes and gifts that my family and friends have showered on me this birthday. Thank you everyone, especially for spending some of your precious time with us over the last few days. I love visits!

Yes - that's how messy our house usually is and yes - my birthday cake is a pie plate filled with mini-eggs. I'm one lucky lady!

And, in the spirit of giving, I'm doing my very first giveaway!! Yay! That means the dozen of you (number exaggerated)  that actually read this little life o'mine have a very good chance of winning!
I have been totally smitten with navy the past few months. I want everything in this house to be navy, grey and white...with a little splash of turquoise and yellow, or pink, or orange...
Anyway, I made this pillow cover a few days ago and hope that some of you love it as much as I do. The front (bicycles) is cotton and the back is a cotton/canvas-y mix. It fits a 16"x16" pillow form. For your chance to win, leave a comment and I'll have my 5 year old pick a number out of a hat (need to find me a hat) on Monday evening. Seriously...you should enter  - there's a mighty fine chance that you'll be the only one to comment!

Thank you for reading and good luck!
