Sunday, April 22, 2012

This. Instead of, That.

This , plus a nice hot mug of chai.

Instead of that mess of a kitchen.

I think I chose wisely.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Okay, okay. I know it's a tad unrealistic to think that I could possibly do a 9 day bike/farm tour around Ottawa with an infant - but a girl can dream, can't she?
This tour just sounds so amazing that I thought I'd share it with you. BUT, promise me, if you go, please, PLEASE tell me all about it.
I'm hoping that going with a 1 year old next summer will be a little more feasible??

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Crafty Sunday

Again, I didn't knit this all today - I'm no superhuman. I had started this bad boy back in the fall before my school took over all my free time. I finished knitting him last week and put the finishing touches on him today.
You may realize I have a little crush on Rebecca Danger's knitting patterns....this one can be found in her book.
I can't seem to find the perfect name for him though - perhaps you have an idea?

New Additions

It's that time of year again! CHICKENS!!!!!
We picked up these three beauties from Laura, one of the Harvest Kitchen Sisters on Monday and they seem to be adjusting well. We even got an egg on the first day!
Gage spent about 40 minutes sitting on a chair in front of the chicken coop yesterday, telling the chickens how their relationship with our family is going to work. When I asked him what he told them, he said that he told them their responsibility is to provide us with eggs....or else we'll eat them. Hmmmm. (Don't worry - we won't eat the chickens, I've got a deposit on these ladies!).
I'm looking forward to some animal husbandry again. The black/white one is named "little Jerry" (Seinfeld anyone?), the red/brown one is "Humpty Dumpty" and the black one is "Smankey".

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Crafty Sunday - Monster addition

No, I did not knit this today but I thought you might like to see it, and considering that I didn't have time to craft today (went to a movie instead) it fits right in to a Crafty Sunday post!
I started knitting this back in 2010!! (I'm ashamed to even admit that) and didn't finish it until this past September. As you may have guessed, this mama and baby are another one of Rebecca Danger's fabulous designs. Ravelry link.
This adorable pair is currently living at Bridget's store, Needles in the Hay, where they are surrounded by beautiful yarn and yarn loving people.
Photo credit: Bridget @ Needles in the Hay

Photo credit: Bridget @ Needles in the Hay

Photo credit: Bridget @ Needles in the Hay

Photo credit: Bridget @ Needles in the Hay